Currently I am living in the Austrian mountains, or at least I like to pretend that I do. I live in the valley, but there are mountains on either side! I promise.
This is kind of the place where I post about all of the weird projects that I got going on in my sparetime.
Occasionally, I might share something that is related to my job as a digital systems engineer at Omicron Electronics here in Austria.
A little background you ask? Well, I am originally from Denmark but has been living in Austria for the past couple of years. I studied for a long long time at Aalborg University back in Denmark.
I love being coming up with new creative ways to use light and signals. Light is more the sparetime thing and signals are more work related.
Let me know if you like any of the stuff I am tinkering with. I am always up for a nice talk with like minded - Or not likeminded people!